FireEx (002586510-X) has been established in October, 2016. The company's operating focus are to promote a fire extinguisher for personal purpose at home usage, own personal vehicle and for commercial safety equipment purpose.
As to ensure we protect our asset and our most precious life, we strongly encourage having a set of fire extinguisher at the residential, inside a vehicle (car, motorbike, boat etc.) and commercial buildings. The fact that disaster due to fire break out can happen at any time, anywhere and to anybody, we would like to highly emphasize on the importance of making the fire extinguisher available at the right location. Therefore, the awareness of having fire extinguisher is very crucial for saving human life, and loses of asset.
To increase our customers’ confidence, our product is suitable for everyone since the products have the certificates from the Fire Department (Bomba), SIRIM and ISO 9001 (Quality Management). The fire extinguisher can put out small fire as well as preventing them from spreading to other places quickly and easily. The fires that can be extinguished using this product are those classified as Class A, B, C and E.
En. Hafizuddin Rifaie Hamid,
Founder FireEx Msia
En. Muhammad Syohaib Intan Puri,
Founder FireEx Msia
To be a recognised leader promoting fire safety for accommodation, transportation, workplaces and valuable assets
Supply and provide services for the fire extinguishers
Provide the premium products and services to the customers
Encourage the safety awareness on fire incident and protection
Promote awarene ss on fire hazard and risk